The following is a mostly true account involving pet cat Mimi, who was quite an adventurous indoors/outdoors cat. I say 'mostly true', because I obviously cannot read the feline's thoughts.


‘If only I had something new,’

she thought, ‘something adventurous

to do, like when the fields grew tall

fields from which wild fowl fed and flew’;

she the black feline feisty and precious

needed something new or to climb the wall.


She walked over to the windowpane

and looked out to the neighboring homes

to where she hoped to find something

—something new, beyond the back lane

rocky road where she often roams

to where her eyes would be wandering.


And when her attention was caught

by the towering shingle roof

sheltering the large corner store

she at once decided she ought

to climb to its high peak as proof

of her worth to those who did her adore.


Through the yards one by one she went

glancing around this and that corner

over then under fences tall

till she stood at the wall she’d meant

to conquer as a foreigner

without any fear that she’d fall.


She looked to the two garbage cans

leaning against the wooden shed

right next to the store that was so pink;

up she jumped, her feet and hands

reached the top by but a thread

of no better place could she think.


Having achieved her noteworthy climb

she gazed over to the swaying trees

unaware that her hostess stood near;

at the bus stop as passed the time

the woman looked up into the breeze

and saw her feline who knew no fear.


Thus the feline had done something new

and not seeing her hostess’s stare

she returned home fulfilled and content

for from this day excitement she drew

and she thought again she’d climb and dare

those high places worthy of her scent.

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The following also is a mostly true account involving Mimi, who loved to play with my feet as I slept.


She laid by his bared feet

at the foot of his bed

though in his dream they’d meet

which they did in his head.


For this sleek black feline

she’d been in there before

such she’d never decline

as that cat he’d adore.

A myth it couldn’t be

that her claws touched his toes

as the dreaming did he

was about that she knows.


The dream she boldly caught

that night she did invade

was the dream she had sought

the dream she’d long delayed.

Within she placed her claws

upon his sleep-bound feet

all performed with no flaws

then and there they did meet.


Though not feeling abused

by prickling on his toes

he still looked down confused

at each of five toes, two rows.


Naught of her did he find

in his dream created

though back to wakened mind

he saw her and stated

‘Mimi, it’s you — you rascal!’

yet he still adored her

while finding special

her response a smooth ‘mrrrrr’.


From the thick mattress down

she landed easy goes

as he said, ‘You little clown —

you leave alone my toes.’

Thought she: ‘Again we’ll meet

as you dream fast asleep

when the toes on your feet

from my paws you cannot keep.’

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It’s clear dear cat you’ve had a water drink

For it hangs thick and low from your thin chin

As a large drop through which light rays glisten

Then a flicker of your tongue’s tip quite pink

Comes with a sway of your tail, its kink

So noticed like that water drop again

(And you without a little silk napkin)

Your habit’s one endearingly distinct.


Plus your drinking problem leaves us no stink

Like old food stuff or hard liquor like gin

And into a bad thing you didn’t sink

You’ve committed naught resembling a sin

Habits can still be dropped in an eye’s blink

While having you near’s my mind’s medicine.

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